Daily Meditations (Page 10)

Daily Meditations (Page 10)


How does one properly articulate the scope and depth of God’s love? I must admit that l fall woefully short in the task of doing so. Frederick M. Lehman however captured the essence very well in the Hymn that we’re all familiar with: “The Love of God.” The last stanza of that hymn is: Could we with ink the ocean fill, And were the skies of parchment made, Were every stalk on earth a quill, And every man a scribe by trade; To write the love of God above Would drain the ocean dry; Nor could the scroll contain the whole, Though stretched from sky to sky.


There is no reason for man to be proud. We were created from dust where we shall return. However, because of pride we tend to create a lot of trouble between these two events. We would be much more humble if we remembered where we came from. If it were not for God we would not even exist.


In this verse the spirit of bondage is contrasted with the Spirit of adoption. The spirit of bondage describes the lost person that lives in fear of death and/or fear of judgment from God. Therefore, their relationship to God is one of fear that produces torment (1 John 4:18). However, the Christian has the Spirit of adoption that affirms God is our loving heavenly Father and we are His child. Therefore, we are able to live for God based upon love and not fear. What a blessing!


1 Samuel 15 gives us the account of King Saul’s disobedience to the clear, unambiguous command of the LORD. When Samuel discovers the incomplete obedience of the king, he promptly confronts him. What unfolds is the classic response of which we’ve all been guilty at some time or another. Incomplete obedience is the same as complete disobedience regardless of how many excuses we can come up with as we try to justify our actions.


Imagine if in the old testament they had constructed an idol in the middle of the temple. What an offense that would have been to God. However, as Christians we do that very thing when we maintain idols of the heart. Is God on the throne of our hearts affections or something else? The answer determines who or what we are really serving because you cannot serve both at the same time.


Millions of dollars have been paid for famous pieces of artwork. In 2017 someone paid $450.3 million for a painting called Salvator Mundi, which is a Latin phrase meaning Saviour of the world. It is one of Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings depicting Jesus Christ. I am sure in putting a value on the painting the buyer put much stock into the fact that it was a “da Vinci.” Since the Christian is a masterpiece created by God, what must we be worth? I suppose the answer lies in the nail pierced hands of the purchaser that shed His blood to pay the price to purchase you.


The word hope means expectation, confidence, or faith. Apparently, the believers at Thessalonica were not settled on their understanding of the bodily resurrection of the believer, thus they had the same type of grief over the death of a Christian as unbelievers. So the apostle Paul under inspiration of the Holy Ghost wrote to them affirming without a doubt that when a Christian dies the grave is not the end of the road for them or their body.


“Soli Deo gloria” “To God alone be the glory”. A very sobering statement yet many today completely disregard this as they attempt to take the credit for answered prayer, souls saved, successful ministries, careers, knowledge, insight etc.


In our current political climate, it’s easy to get caught up in all the conspiracy theories, tying them to so-called “prophecies”. It’s imperative that Christians employ discernment, insight and wisdom from above as many are turning away from the truth and turning towards fables


Romans Chapter 7 reveals to us an issue that not only Paul dealt with but we as well. It was well known that Paul had an eye problem, but in this passage we see that he also had an “I” problem.