'In Christ' Tagged Posts

'In Christ' Tagged Posts


Our culture has placed a great emphasis of late on identity. So people have gone about labeling themselves in a way they desire to be identified. I first remember hearing the concept of self-branding when I was in college. The philosophy teaches that you are a brand and you need to market yourself to the world. Little did I know that some 20 years later with the advent of social media how that philosophy would grip a generation.


Millions of dollars have been paid for famous pieces of artwork. In 2017 someone paid $450.3 million for a painting called Salvator Mundi, which is a Latin phrase meaning Saviour of the world. It is one of Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings depicting Jesus Christ. I am sure in putting a value on the painting the buyer put much stock into the fact that it was a “da Vinci.” Since the Christian is a masterpiece created by God, what must we be worth? I suppose the answer lies in the nail pierced hands of the purchaser that shed His blood to pay the price to purchase you.