'Encouragement' Tagged Posts

'Encouragement' Tagged Posts


Barnabas, known as “son of consolation” or “son of encouragement” was at the side of Saul as he went to Jerusalem. Because of what the disciples had heard of Saul and not believing that he had been converted, they were afraid of him but Barnabas was there to reassure that Saul (Paul) indeed had seen the Lord on the Damascus road and had been called by the Lord to do His work. There are times I’m sure that we could’ve used a friend like Barnabas, one who would stand by us when others doubted our integrity and questioned our motives. Barnabas, the encourager! How about you? Are you an encourager? Can you think of someone right now that may feel deserted and alone? Step out of your comfort zone and be a Barnabas!


Have you ever thought about the fact that YOU might be the “angel” to another person? God has made all of us ambassadors, and given to all of us the ministry of reconciliation. He uses all of us as messengers – the Greek word for angel is messenger.


Life is TOUGH! Serving the Lord can be difficult at times. We’re living in perilous times and witnessing things we never imagined we would see in our lifetime. Families are disintegrating and every day we read of another well known, deep rooted Christian forsaking their faith. Friends, family and others may fail and forsake us but be of good courage! We have a promise from God Almighty that He’ll never fail us. He’ll never forsake us so there is no reason to fear or be dismayed! Keep on keeping on! Don’t quit! Be strong in the Lord, you’re not alone!


Scripture teaches us that we are a whole person. Our spiritual life effects our physical life. Each and everyday we come across people that are hurting spiritually. Harold Vaughan once preached a message entitled, “The Ministry of Encouragement.” What a great ministry! We should all be encouragers. When you encourage someone it is like given someone a dose of spiritual medicine for their soul. Each day we should ask ourselves, “Who can I encourage today?”